When you give a compliment it is like saving change for a rainy day. The best part..... Compliments are free! It is critically important to compliment the folks you support, co-workers and your supervisors. Compliments must be sincere or they mean nothing and you actually lose crediblility.
Compliments will:
Compliments will:
1. Help you bond and create trust with the person.
2. Show them that you value them.
3. Help them build self-esteem.
4. Will lift you up!
Sometimes it is difficult to find compliments to give when working with someone challenging, whether it is someone supported or a co-worker. But it can be easier than you think! If you look deep within the person you WILL find something. Have patience, you will find the HERO in everybody.
Here are some examples:
1. I really appreciate that you punch in and out on time. It makes my job easier.
2. I notice that I never have to remind you to take out the trash.
3. I like that you always dress right for the occasion.
4. I love your passion for coloring!
Everyone is unique and sometimes you have to point out that they shine. I have often heard folks say "Why should I compliment someone when their actions are an expectation?" Let me tell you, I appreciate that people do what is expected! It should be recognized!
1 comment:
Hi my friend. I have an award for you on my blog!
See Ya!
~K :)
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